CSA Weekend February 2021: Bishop's Message

February 5, 2021

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

It goes without saying that 2020 was quite a year for everyone. We all faced challenges we never anticipated as that year began. Lockdowns left many feeling alone and isolated. However we are never alone. God is always with us, and we experience His presence every time we pray. Pope Francis said that “prayer is the rudder that guides Jesus’ course.” He added, “Consistent prayer produces a progressive transformation, making us strong in times of tribulation, gives us grace to be supported by Him who loves us and always protects us.”

Before I invite you to participate in this year’s Catholic Sharing Appeal, I invite you to join me and your fellow parishioners to make a different commitment or pledge: a pledge to a more prayerful life this year. We can begin simply with the Lord’s Prayer. I also ask that you include the intentions, known or unknown, of your loved ones, fellow parishioners, neighbors, or those throughout our diocese that desperately need your prayerful support. If we do this together, our impact will be profound.

In addition to your prayers, I invite you to support the Catholic Sharing Appeal. Doing so is a concrete expression of your faith that reveals itself many times over. With your help, we can fulfill our diocesan mission of living, learning and sharing our faith through our worship, service, teaching, preaching, and charity as faithful stewards and disciples of Jesus Christ.

Therefore, with a shepherd’s heart, I pray that you will accept the call to greater discipleship by taking an active and purposeful role in the 2021 CSA through the renewal of your last commitment. If your blessings permit I humbly ask that you consider increasing your support this year. Pledges can be fulfilled over a period of months, quarterly, or as a one-time contribution. Your pledge card has been included in this mailing and can be returned in the mail. You can also pledge online at www.ptdiocese.org/csa.

It is my prayer that our voices be united in praise of God as we follow Him on this renewed mission of faith and evangelization. Please continue to pray for my ministry and the thousands of people we serve each year knowing that I will do the same for you and those dear to you.

Sincerely yours, in Christ,

Most Rev. William A. Wack, CSC
Bishop of Pensacola-Tallahassee
